


Type : বেচা
Date : June 6, 2022
Condition : নতুন
Warranty : না
Location : Zia College Moar, Bagerhata, Jamalpur Sadar.

Pur Water Filled Teether – (8003)

Teethers are every baby’s favorite. They love to put it into their mouth when new teeth are developing. Babies get comfort and relief by chewing on the teethers when their teeth are growing in. Tender little gums feel better when light pressure is applied. This water-filled teether by pur soothes the baby’s gums.

Made In Thailand

ভাল ডিলের জন্য বিক্রয়কারীকে কল করার সময় সেলসডিল ডট কম উল্লেখ করুন


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